Our goal is to be our customers’ company of choice by offering exceptional customer service and value

At HDIM Altek, we’re committed to delivering cost effective solutions to our customers by focusing on their needs and placing their best interests first.

With more than a century of combined experience in Canada’s protective coatings industry, our specialists ensure that every project receives the attention it deserves, from the specification-writing phase to completion and beyond. Each member of our staff is trained in various aspects of the coating industry. All possess unsurpassed technical knowledge and are committed to helping customers understand today’s new coating technology.

Through extensive work in Canada’s oil production industry, our coating consultants have been involved in some of the largest coating projects in that industry offering "value added" project solutions. This record of achievement and service to the industry has led to close relationships with a wide network of owners, project engineers, coating contractors and inspectors who appreciate the no-nonsense, value added, problem-solver approach our coating professionals bring to every project regardless of its size or complexity.